VAPPRO® 829 VCI ENVIRO-WRAP is an anti-corrosion cohesive paper engineered with our environment in mind. This amazing paper product eliminates the use of oil & grease on metal parts during storage or in transit time thus helps protect our environment. The VCI is in this cohesive paper provides corrosion protection for ferrous and non-ferrous metals for up to 2 years or more.
VAPPRO® 829 VCI ENVIRO-WRAP is made from recycled Kraft paper and is 100% nitrite free. It helps reduce packaging scrap ratio, sticks only to itself, not on the parts and is water resistant. It is cost effective. This product saves companies money and help saves our environment.
VAPPRO 826 VCI FILM is a significant breakthrough in protective packaging Technology. It offers a new concept in product protection without the need for rust preventative coatings.
VAPPRO 826 VCI Film offers protection for aluminum alloys and copper while providing excellent protection for ferrous metals, steel, and stainless steel.
Vappro 826 VCI Film does not change critical electrical or mechanical properties of electronic or electrical components.
VAPPRO VCI Pouch breathable pouches, containing vapor corrosion inhibitor, are made from Tyvek® material, Du Pont’s name for its range of spun-bonded polyethylene fiber structures. It is 100% nitrite-free and does not contain phosphate or heavy metals.
VAPPRO VCI Pouch has excellent water resistant, chemical resistant, lint-free, and abrasion resistant properties. It has good dimensional stability. Its clean packaging assures the elimination of contamination and its virtual continuous fiber under normal conditions produces no free lint.
VAPPRO VCI Pouch is able to meet the most demanding packaging applications, including electronics anti-corrosion protective packaging, military anti-corrosion packaging, controlled atmosphere packaging and more.
VAPPRO VCI Foam-Pad is a unique packaging product that combines the cushioning, resiliency and lightweight characteristics of a polyethylene foam sheet together with the proven, built in, active and long term corrosion protection provided by Vappro inhibitors.
Vappro VCI Foam-Pad is a low cost, lightweight, all-purpose packaging foam. It is resistant to moisture and dust and can tolerate extreme temperature changes.
Vappro VCI Foam-Pad conforms to most shapes without adding bulk and extra weight, reducing the risk of damage to fragile products in transit.
Vappro V.C.I. Foam-Pad is a blend of corrosion inhibitors, which through vapor emittance and contact, counteract the corrosive effects of moisture, salt, and pollutants.
VAPPRO 820 PAK breathable pouches, containing vapor corrosion inhibitor, are made from Tyvek® material (Du Pont’s name for its range of spun-bonded polyethylene fiber structures).
Vappro 820 Pak pouches are strong, water resistant, chemical resistant, lint-free, abrasion resistant and have good dimensional stability.
Its clean packaging assures elimination of contamination, and its virtual continuous fiber under normal conditions produces no free lint.
Vappro 820 Pak is able to meet the most demanding packaging applications, including electronics anti-corrosion protective packaging, military anti-corrosion packaging, controlled atmosphere packaging, etc.