Recognized as the world’s best preservation program for military vehicles, Magna’s specialized Vappro Preservation System (VPS) effectively renders conventional preservation methodology obsolete by utilizing cutting-edge technology to reduce required manpower and increase productivity.
For Armed Forces around the world, heavy dependence on physical manpower has now given way to an increased demand for advanced technology to achieve optimal operational readiness in the face of new challenges and increased potential threats.
In the case of the Armed Forces in many countries, a high level of manpower is required to maintain land vehicles in a war readiness state at all times by means of manual maintenance of the systems of each vehicle at intervals of three to six months. They realized that repeating this manual procedure is tedious, time-consuming and taxing on manpower.
The manual changing of engine oil is conducted according to OEM recommendations. Such a procedure gives rise to strain on manpower due to the tedious and time-consuming processes involved. As such, accidents and mistakes are commonplace. The conventional method is also unable to serve its preservative function effectively. This is evidenced in the frequent corrosion of parts and joints and the breakdown of rubber and electrical components. Due to these problems, manual maintenance becomes very costly.
Vappro-VPS has been developed to be user-friendly where no special infrastructure is required. It also does not require extensive training or a large amount of manpower to conduct system-monitoring. Since Vappro-VPS is also self-healing and self-replenishing, it is unnecessary to carry out frequent maintenance or re-application. Mobilization can be done efficiently as Vappro-VPS protection does not have to be removed prior to re-activation. Operational readiness is assured as Vappro-VPS provides for high system portability and does not require a permanent site readily allowing for ease of mobilization.
Overall protection of military vehicular fleets can be achieved without going through numerous tedious procedures as Vappro-VPS offers equipment and vehicles total protection for the entire system i.e. electronic, electrical, mechanical, fuel, hydraulic, lubrication, cooling systems, optics and weaponry, ferrous and non-ferrous metals, etc.
An additional list of the overall advantages of Vappro-VPS is as follows.
Advantages of Using the VPS (Vappro Preservation System):